Independent Reaches Out To Elissa for Advice “No Jab, No Job”

Elissa Thursfield Sat speaking

The Independent reached out to Elissa last week asking what the potential repercussions of “No Jab, No Job” blanket policies in businesses could be.

Elissa commented

We’re definitely going to see a lot of employment tribunals on this,” said Elissa Thursfield, head of employment law and a director at Gamlins Law – predicting a wave of vaccine-related discrimination claims in the months ahead.

“Having a blanket policy is almost always dangerous – it’s fraught with legal difficulties,” said Ms Thursfield. “For existing staff, if you don’t have a clause in your contract that says you can receive mandatory instructions on health, which is rare, that’s potentially a breach of contract, as well as the discrimination claims.”

She added: “If the government pushes any further on this, in terms of encouraging employers, they are going to start getting into hot water.”


Full article available here

‘No jab, no job’ policies set to spark deluge of employment tribunals, lawyers warn


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